3400 Baring Street

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 3400Baring



3400-3402 Baring was built by Thomas D. Crespin as were 3404-06 and 3408-3410. Crespin usually identified himself as a bricklayer, although he is listed as a builder in the 1881 city directory. From at least 1856 until the 1870s, he lived at 116 N. 39th St. (which no longer exists) with his wife and seven children. In the 1870 census he declared $25,000 in real estate and $1,400 in personal property. His younger brothers, James C. Crispen and Joseph Crispen, probably worked with him. They were also bricklayers. In the late 1860s, Joseph lived at 34th and Filbert Sts. He did not claim any real estate. Thomas Crispen also apparently built 3509-11 and 3417-3421 Hamilton St. (The name was variously spelled Crespenn or Crispenn.)


“Second Empire-style, two-and-one-half story stone: double with original wood porch, balustrade addition. Decorative woo.& cornice; paired brackets with triglyph detail. Arcuated lights in dormer windows. Entrance to 3400 within rectangular tower; top of tower removed. Two-and-one-half story bay, projects towards North 34th Street.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the national register of Historic Places, 1985)


The History


1866, June 14: Transfer of lots 3400, 3402, 3404, 3406, 3408 and 3410 Baring from Richard Smethurst to William Sellers and John Sellers Jr.

            The 1858 Directory lists Richard Smethurst, conveyancer & accountant, 144 S 4th St.


1972, Oct. 7: Deed transferred from William Sellers and John Sellers, Jr. to Thomas D. Crispen.


1873, Dec. 31: Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co. survey #9893 for 3400 and 3404 Baring St. Insured value of $5,000 each payable to Thomas D. Crispin.


1874, April 30: Deed transferred from Thomas D. Crispen to Everett Webster.

            The 1874 directory (compiled the previous fall) lists Everett Webster of William H. Kirkpatrick & Co. living at 3408 Bridge (Spring Garden) St.



Everett Webster                     56        Gentleman; born in Mass.

Helen F. Webster                     50        Born in Mass.

Mary E. Webster                      19        Born in Mass.

Ellen F. Webster                      15

William E. Webster                  12

Herbert F. Webster                    8

Mary Orr                                 50        Servant; born in Ireland


1890 Directory: Everett Webster

                         William R Webster


1895 Directory: Herbert F. Webster, clerk

                          William E. Webster, conveyancer


1895, June 5: Marriage of Elizabeth J. Thompson to William E. Webster at the home of the bride's sister, 1711 Montgomery Ave. by Rev. S. A. Muchmore, D.D.



Everett Webster           70        Capitalist; born in Mass.; owned free of a mortgage

Helen F. Webster         60        Married 39 years, 5 children, 4 surviving; born in Mass., mother born in Maine

Ellen F. Webster          30        Daughter; single


1902, Jan. 18: Death of Ellen Frances Webster, 35 years old, daughter of Everett and Helen Webster of 3400 Baring St. Burial was at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. (Phila. Death Index)


1909, June 15: Death of Everett Webster, 85 years old, of 3400 Baring. Funeral services at his late residence, 3400 Baring St. Burial was at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. (Phila. Death Index and Phila. Inquirer)



Helen Webster             78        Widowed; 7 children, 6 surviving


1913, June 6: Death of Helen Frances Webster, widow of Everett Webster of 3400 Baring. Funeral services at her late residence, 3400 Baring St.


1915, Sept. 28: Deed transferred from William E. and Elizabeth J. Webster (husband and wife) and Herbert F. and Emma B. Webster (husband and wife) to Rebecca R. Trout.

            William Webster continued working as a conveyancer with his own office. Herbert Webster became a stock broker.



Ella R. Trout                38        Hair dressing teacher; single, self-employed; born in N.J.; owned free of a mortgage

Annabelle Trout          22        Niece; born in N.J.

Ethel Gardnor             21        Boarder; Milliner in a department store; single; born in Md

Horace V. Williams      39        Lodger; divorced

William H. Duffy         42        Automobile commercial trader; born in Iowa

Edward A. Darby        40        Department store salesman


1922: Marriage license issued to Annabelle Trout of 3400 Baring St. and George E. Green

            In 1910, George E. Green lived with his parents at 3907 Brandywine St. His father, George W. Green, was a shipping clerk for a publisher. In 1920, they lived at 5107 Cedar Ave. George E. was a clerk for a steam railroad.



George Green              31        Clerk in a railroad office; married at age 22

Annabelle Green          30        Married at age 21; born in N.J.; owner, house worth $25,000

Constance Green           5

Thomas E. Landis       45        Lodger; worked as an “affair detective;” married at age 35 [?]; born in N.C., father in Pa., mother in Ga.

Ida Landis                    44        Lodger; married at age 22 [?]; born in R.I., father in England, mother in Conn.

William Lamb              45        Lodger; automobile salesman; single

            Annabelle Trout Green apparently inherited the house from her aunt.



George Green              41        Railroad accounting clerk, earned 4,800 in 1939; 3 years college; owner, value -$4000

Annabelle Green          40        Wife; 4 years high school

Constance Green         15

— next household

Grove P. Mitchell        77        Time clock salesman; born in Alabama; 4 years high school; renting for $26 per month

Therese Mitchell          75        Wife; born in NY; 4 years high school

— next household

Martin [A.] Hahn         49        Shipfitter at Navy yard, earned $1,852 in 1939; married; born in Tenn., lived in Boston in 1935; 8 years of school; renting at $42 per month

Lillian [N.] Hahn          48        Wife; born in Mass., lived in Boston in 1935; 4 years high school

Eugene Hahn               24        Son; earned $120 for 8 weeks work in 1939; born in Mass., lived in Boston in 1935; single; 2 years college

            Grove P. Mitchell was the son of Edmund R. and Geraldine Mitchell. In 1870, they live in Montgomery, Alabama. Edmund, a commission merchant, was born in New York and Geraldine was born in Alabama.

            In 1920, the Hahn family lived in Newton, Mass. Martin was a retail clothing merchant.


1950 Directory: Ellwood M. Pall



1st floor

George Green                          51        Accountant for railroad company, earned $3,800 for 50 weeks of work in 1949; other relatives in the household earned $2,500 other than earnings in 1949; 2 years of college

Annabelle Green                      48

Charles McGoldrick                 28        Son-in-law; electrical repairman for wholesale appliance store

Constance McGoldrick            25        Daughter

Robert McGoldrick                   6        Grandson

John McGoldrick                       4        Grandson

George McGoldrick                   3        Grandson

Constance McGoldrick            age?     Granddaughter; born in Oct. 1949?

2nd floor

Elwood M. Paul                       40        Plumbing supervisor for plumbing contractor

 Mathilde E. Paul                     47

3rd floor front

John Kaufman                         52        Born in Austria

Pauline Kaufman                     50        Sewing machine operator in clothing factory; born in Austria

3rd floor rear

Elizabeth James                       37        Clerk for state employment service

Nickolas Shimkas                    64        Chemist at distilling plant; born in Russia

Katharine Shimkas                  66        Born in Russia; 4 years of college

            Note: information on education and earning only available for every fifth individual.

            Elizabeth James and the Shimkas couple are listed on different pages as living in the 3rd floor rear.


1952, Mar. 24: Registration of a deed transfer from George E. and Annabelle Green to George E. Green


< Across to 3401 Baring                                                                                                            3402 Baring >

Revised: 5/22/2023

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