3320 Arch St.

Aka 69 N. 34th St.


“Immense corner single house with decorative pressed tile in bays and gables. Queen Anne segmental headed windows with overscaled keystones, small paned sash above single light lower sash, original porch. Some alterations to brick on one side, new door cut in front through window opening but essentially intact. A.W. Dilks, architect. --- Significant.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


The History


1882, June 12: Title transferred to Mary L. Davidson, et al. by John Sellers

            Mary Lane Davidson was the widow of Nathan Davidson.


1883 Directory: Mary L. Davidson

                         Sarah K. Davidson

                         Lowry Annie L., widow of Robert

                         Cardeen Richard A.


1883, Apr. 13: Death of Mary Lane Davidson, 73 years old, of 3320 Arch St. She was never married.

            A clause in her will some granted income to Richard A. Caren, Jr. The Inquirer reported that “[w]hen he was three years old, he was taken in by the decedent, her mother and sister, and brought up as one of the family. He was entirely without means; but was fed and clothed and educated at their expense.”


1890 Directory: Davidson Sarah K., president, 2400 Poplar St.

                         Lowry Annie L., widow of Robert O.



Mrs. [sic] Davidson      60        Owner, free of a mortgage

Mrs. Lowry                  80


1902, March: An elevator was installed for Mrs. A. L. Lowry who was an invalid. (Inquirer, Mar. 10)


1902, Aug. 1: Death of Sarah K. Davidson of 3320 Arch St.



            (Inquirer, Aug. 23, 1902)

            In 1903, the Inquirer noted that “Six handsome new water troughs designed by Walter Craig, who designed the McKinley memorial in the Post office, will be placed in different portions of the city on July 15. They are the gifts to the city of the late Mrs. Helen M. Parker and Miss Sarah K. Davidson, who were very active members of the Women’s Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.” One was to be placed at N. 40th St. and Lancaster Ave. (Inquirer, July 1, 1903)


1908, Aug. 1: Death of Annie Louisa Lowry, 85 years old, of 3320 Arch St.


1910: Not enumerated in this census


1917 WWI Draft Registration: Almond Huston Berley, paint and chemical salesman, E. P. DuPont De Nemours Co., 3500 Grays Ferry Rd.

            He was 35 years old and lived with his wife, Lynda S. Almond.


1920 Directory: Bush Vanette C., artist

            The 1913 directory listed her and Theodora P. Bush at 3221 Summer St.



Nellie C. Dugan           33        school nurse; parents born in Ireland

Mary Larah                  30        Partner; public school teacher

_Next Hh.

Huston B. Almond      36        Salesman for powder works; born in Virginia

Linda S. Almond          34        born in Delaware

_Next Hh.

James C. Baldwin         30        Mechanical engineer at shipyard; born in Wyoming, father in Michigan, mother in Minnesota

Dorothy O. Baldwin    21        born in Iowa, father in Illinois, mother in Iowa

John R. Baldwin          7 months Born in Washington, father in Wyoming, mother in Iowa

_Next Hh.

Luentra Mikhell           80

_Next Hh.

Vanette C. Bush           21 [sic.] Artist with own income

Theodora P. Bush        23 [sic.] Sister; artist with own income

            Vanetta Camp Bush was born Dec. 25, 1874. She was actually 45 years old. Theodora was 43. They were the daughters of Van Camp Bush and Margaret Phillips. He sold oil and soap. In the 1880s, they loved at 4109 Walnut St. He died in 1892 when they lived in Haddonfield, N.J. In 1900, Vanetta and Theodora lived with their widowed mother on Morton Ave. in Ridley Park. Mrs. Bush died in 1904. Vanetta died in 1940 when she lived at 5960 Woodland Ave. with her married sister, Margaret Cunningham.


< 3318 Arch St.                                                                                                               67 N 34th >

Revised 7/21/2022

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