202 N. 36th Street


Previous Residents


Mary E. Mason            70        Born in Mass., parents born in England

Mary Chandler             41        Daughter; born in Puerto Rico, parents in Mass.

Albert Mason               31        Son; born in Pa.

H[enry] B. Chandler     17        Grandson; mother born in Puerto Rico

Sarah Elsey                 30        Servant; black; born in Del., parents in Md.

            In the 1850 census, a Mary Mason born in Puerto Rico was age 40. She was married to John Mason, 50, born in Mass. who was a merchant. A daughter, Mary, 14, was also born in Puerto Rico as was a son John, Jr., 16. A son, Albert age 5, was born in Pennsylvania as were two others: Sidney, 11, and Alphonso, 6. They lived in the Pine Ward of Philadelphia. In 1870, they lived in Upper Darby, Pa. John was a merchant who claimed $140,000 in real estate and $12,000 in personal property. Alphonso claimed $10,000 in personal property and Albert claimed $6,000. Margaret (Mary) Chandler and her son, Harry B., were living with them. John’s obituary in the Inquirer stated that “In early life he settled and started business in St. John’s, Puerto Rico, where the house of Mason & Co. has, with its successors, controlled a large portion of the business of that island.” (August 12, 1874)  The main family residence was at 2135 Spruce St.

            In 1880, their son, Alphonso Mason, lived at 3602 Powelton.


1883 Directory: Henry B. Chandler

                        Mariquita Chandler, widow of Joseph


1885 Directory: Henry B. Chandler

                                    Henry Bohlen Chandler married Clara G L Coleman in Philadelphia in 1886. He died in 1890 when they were living at 3725 Brown St.

                         Margaretta E. Chandler, widow



Joseph W. Selvy           33        [Occupation illegible]; born in Del., parents born in Md.

Alice W. Selvy             35        Married 10 years, 2 children, 1 surviving; born in Md., father in Del., mother in Md.

Howard W. Selvy           9

William J. Culver          36        Boarder; carpenter for the Penna. Railroad; born in Del.

Joseph W. Phillips        34        Boarder; salesman in a meat store; born in Md.

William E. Waeker       27        Boarder; brakeman for the Penna. Railroad; born in Md.

            The 1895 directory lists Joseph Selvy as a clerk living at 3201 Powelton Ave.



Warren T. Doane         35        Magazine editor; renting

Pelagie Doane              34        Born in Mass, father in Belgium, mother in France

Pelagie Doane              13        Born in N.J.

Gabrielle Doane          4 yrs., 9 months


< 200 N 36th St.                                                                                                                         204 N 36th St. >.

Revised 8/16/2022

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